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Server Transfer 101

Greetings, Commander!

You’re probably here to learn about transfering your World of Warships account to another region server. So what does that mean and how do you do it?


What is It? 

World of Warships, like many worldwide online games, has different servers across the world. These servers are homes to different communities and languages. The username you use to log into the game is tied to one of those specific servers, and can’t be used to log in to other regional servers. 

 Example: Lt. Tate R. Smith was working on a military base overseas when he made his World of Warships account, so he was playing on the Asia server. After returning home to the United States, he wants to transfer his account to the NA server due to proximity and connection speed. 

Normally, if you wanted to play on a different server, you’d have to make a new account and start from scratch. 

But for a limited time, you can follow the process below to have your account transferred to a new regional server! 

Why we’re Offering 

Recently, we offered players in India with accounts on the Asia server an opportunity to transfer to the EU server. After seeing so much success with that offer, we decided to extend it to more players! Therefore, we’re giving World of Warships players on NA, EU, and ASIA servers a limited-time offer to transfer their accounts between those servers. 

How to Transfer

1. Login to your current account on the website for your server’s region:

2. Find the version of this page on that website:

3. Click “Transfer my Account” below 

4. You’ll get an email notification to the account’s email when the transfer is complete.

5. Once transferred, you’ll have to download a new version of World of Warships that corresponds with your new region.

REMEMBER:This is a limited time offer available until Dec. 9

NOTE: If you change your mind about the transfer, you can reach out to your region’s Customer Service within 30 days of the transfer and explain your situation in order to have the transfer reverted. Keep in mind that purchases and progress made on the new server will be lost when the account reverts back. 

I Clicked the Button, Now What?

The process is semi-automatic - it will take a few days for us to work on your transfer request. Once it’s ready, we will send you an e-mail to your account’s registered email address with your new login credentials. One of the following scenarios will follow:

  • If the email address is unused on the destination server, your login will be the same as your previous account. 
  • If the email address is already used on the destination server, your login will use a throwaway email account named (Your Account Email)@transfer.loc (E.g. tatersmith@transfer.loc) and a new password. Reach out to the new server’s Customer Service and request an email change.
  • You will also be given a temporary account name and one free rename opportunity.

Downloading the New Game Version

If you decide to transfer your account, you’ll need to download the version of the game for the new server region. The first step is downloading the Wargaming Game Center (WGC), if you don’t have it already installed. 

Once WGC is open:

    1. Go to the "World of Warships" tab;
    2. Click on "Game Settings" on the top of the screen;
    3. In the dropdown menu, click on "Install additional game instance";
    4. Make sure the dropdown menu on the top-left of the page is set to your DESTINATION SERVER
    5. Click the "Install" button.

After downloading WGC for the first time:

If you already have WoWS on WGC:

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Why are we being offered to transfer servers? 

We recently had offered India-based players on the Asia server an opportunity to transfer to the EU server. After that initiative’s success, we decided to expand the scope of the offer.

2. Do I have to transfer my account? 

No. It’s an optional, temporary offer for those interested in playing on a different server. 

3. What happens if I don’t transfer? 

You continue playing on your same server as usual. Nothing changes. 

4. How long do I have to decide if I want to transfer? 

You have until the end of the offer period above. 

5. What will happen to my old account when I transfer? 

Your World of Warships account on the previous server will be locked. Accounts for other Wargaming titles (World of Tanks, etc.) will be unaffected

6. What if change my mind about transferring servers? 

You can reach out to your region’s Customer Service within 30 days of the transfer and explain your situation in order to have the transfer reverted.

7. Do my stats and progress carry over? 

Due to technical limitations, we can only carry over your Random, Ranked and Co-Op battle stats. All of your ships, Commanders, Premium Time, currencies, achievements, Campaigns progress except for ongoing missions, PVE Operation progress, flags, camo, etc. will be transferred too.

8. Are there some things that don’t transfer? 

Yes. Clan information, Armory coupons, mission progress (such as Unique Modifcation missions), and Directives won’t be transferred. 

9. What about my Clan? Will it transfer?

Unfortunately, due to technical constraints, we cannot transfer your Clan. However, if you are a Clan commander, you can contact the Customer Service Team of your new server, and they will provide you with the assets to re-create your Clan on the new server (2,500).

10. What about Clan progress? 

Since we can’t transfer Clans, we can’t transfer Clan progress. 

11. Are there any benefits to transferring? 

The benefits, if any, will depend on your own preferences and situation. Some reasons could be: 

    • You relocated and are now closer to a different regional server
    • You’ve made friends who play on another server and want to play with them.
    • You prefer the forums/community of a different server
    • You want prime play times that are more in line with your time zone or daily schedule 

12. What if I want to transfer to/from the CIS server? 

Unfortunately, this offer is only available on the NA, EU, and Asia servers. 

13. Will I still be able to play with friends that stay on my previous server? 

Unfortunately, it’s not possible for players on different servers to play with each other.

14. Can I transfer my account if I’m a Steam player? 

Yes, but you will first need to create an account, link it, and login to the website of the regional server you’re transferring from. 

15. What if I make purchases after being transferred, then change my mind? Will my new purchases revert back to my previous server? 

No, but such purchases will be refunded. 

16. What will happen to information and progress from other games on my Wargaming account (World of Tanks, etc.)? 

Only your World of Warships account, progress, and information will be transferred. Accounts for other games will be accessible as normal on the previous server even after the transfer. 

17. Will I pay the same prices at the Premium Shop? 

Depending on your previous server and new server, you might see different prices in the Premium Shop after you transfer.

18. Will any Research Points on my ship be transferred?

Yes, those Points will be transferred.

19. Will my Recruitment Points be transferred?

Like other game currencies, your Recruitment Points will be transferred. However, all other Recruiting progress won't. Your link to your Recruits won’t be transferred either, so you’ll no longer receive the 10% doubloon award from their purchases.

20. Do missions, Campaigns, Directives, etc. significantly differ between servers?

In the vast majority of cases, missions and events are identical between servers. However, there are sometimes occasional community-driven events on specific servers.