We are pleased to present to you the Developer Bulletin for Update 0.7.1 which covers all the latest changes. Read more about it in our Developer Bulletin below, and prepare to jump into the Public Test and try the changes out for yourself!
France will be the focus of the next two Updates in World of Warships. During 0.7.1 Public Test, you'll be able to try a new Collection and a new unique Commander. Not to mention the new port Marseille! There is also a new map called "Sleeping Giant" and reworked maps "Trap", and "Tears of the Desert". On top of all that, a new season of Clan Battles—Islands of Ice—will kick off once the next Update goes live!
Take part in the Public Test to try out and evaluate the changes that the forthcoming version will bring to the game.
Round 2 of the Public Test is slightly delayed. It will run from 01 February 2018 at 14:00 CET until 05 February 2018 at 14:00 CET (UTC+1).
Important!Because the version update is still being tested, the information in this Bulletin is tentative and reflects the state of game development at the time of publication. Certain changes and new features may be stripped or implemented in a different way by the time the final version of this update goes live. Screenshots, specific values of certain characteristics, and details of in-game mechanics will not necessarily be relevant after the update is released.
Round 2 Changes
All public test accounts will be wiped for Round 2. Please see below for the updated missions and rewards.
- Fixed the issue that caused the battle interface to malfunction, namely: the ship continued firing after the first salvo, the rudder got stuck when the player tried to manoeuvre their ship, the player could not close the quick commands window, etc.
- Fixed the issue that made some graphical glitches appear beyond the borders of the game map in ‘Tactical Map’ view, entered by pressing the ‘M’ key.
- Fixed the issue that caused the malfunction of the side panels displaying teams’ line-up, namely the destroyed/alive players shown as an unsorted list.
- Fixed the issue that caused the failure of the ‘Cyclone’ weather indicator on the screen when the player re-entered the battle after disconnect.
- Fixed the issue that made the interface irresponsive to the player’s actions after an attempt to view the battle results in the post-battle statistics.
- Fixed the issue that allowed the player to hear the sounds of shots fired and shells flying while waiting in a queue on the battle loading screen.
- Fixed the issue that made it possible to set the same key to control several different actions.
- Fixed the issue that caused non-display of the subsequent progress when the certain clan rating is achieved.
- Fixed the issue that caused the client or the interface crash when the player was playing on an aircraft carrier and trying to restart the client.
- Fixed the issues that occurred when the player tries to reassign control keys.
Round 1 Changes
Marseille Port
Marseille will be the second French Port available in the game, but it drastically differs from Dunkirk, a port that is already well-known to many of you. The new Port was recreated from photos that date back to 1936-1940s. The Port of Marseille is void of any military activity, instead focusing on a more soothing and relaxing atmosphere associated with the French Riviera. Take advantage of the new camera features available from Update 0.7.0 to enjoy the new Port views.
"Vive la France" Collection
With the forthcoming release of the new French battleship tech tree, all players will have access to a temporary collection called "Vive la France".
Complete combat missions during the Public Test to earn French Containers with collection items and the new Revolutionary camouflage.
The collection will contain 18 items including:
- Stylized images of Allied and French ships, including a battleships duo of Dunkerque and Hood in the North Sea;
- Coats of arms, and badges worn by French battleships (e.g. the Coat of Arms of Normandy)
- Weapons and technical facilities associated with the history of the French Navy, with one of the elements being a 380mm gun, the first gun to be mounted on the Tier VIII battleship, Richelieu.
- Each Container earned gives you a chance to open a special combat mission for the tier IX battleship Alsace carrying 380mm guns and equipped with a Speed Boost consumable
Please Note: The requirements to earn these items are simpler during the Public Test compared to the live server, and rewards issued via Containers after the Update releases may differ from those granted during the Public Test.
A New Unique Commander
The Collection is but one side of the upcoming "French" update. Once you've completed it, you'll have a chance to test the battle skills of a new Commander called Jean-Jacques Honoré.
This battle-hardened veteran comes with enhanced "Expert Marksman" and "Adrenaline Rush" skills, 10 undistributed skill points, and Bougainville specialisation. Full characteristics of enhanced skills:
"Expert Marksman":
- +3 (instead of +2.5) degrees to traverse speed of guns with a calibre up to 139mm
- +1 (instead of +0.7) degrees to traverse speed of guns with a calibre exceeding 139mm.
"Adrenaline Rush":
- -0.25% (instead of -0.2%) to reload time of all types of armament for each 1% of HP lost.
Existing Map Changes
Due to numerous requests from players, we have reworked two maps that often left players asking questions. Those maps are:
"Trap" for Tier VIII-X ships
"Tears of the Desert" for Tier IX-X ships.
These maps will now encourage more dynamic gameplay. We've also improved the balance between types of ships. The "Tears of the Desert" map will be noticeably more comfortable for cruisers.
New Map
In addition to the reworked maps, we're happy to announce the release of a totally new one! The "Sleeping Giant" map combines islands, straits and free flanks, and will be available for ships of Tier IX and X. The new in-game location will take you to the coasts of China with some interesting specific details like the Great Wall of China on the horizon.
The map will encourage dynamic gameplay: In the Domination battle mode, the Key Area on the left is surrounded by large yet low-rising islands suitable enough for firing from behind them. Between the Key Areas on the right and in the centre, there are several straits that allow moving from one Key Area to the other while remaining under cover. Also, the map is relatively symmetrical and gives equal opportunities for both teams.
Clan Battles Season II
Clan Battles are coming back to World of Warships soon! During the Islands of Ice season, standard rules will apply:
- Tier X ships will clash in a 7x7 format with no carriers allowed and a limit of no more than 1 battleship per team.
- A victorious battle moves a Clan up the league's ladder and that's where our main surprise, an extra top league (Hurricane) will be waiting for you.
- To access it, climb through the Typhoon League through a series of Progression Battles. The Hurricane League does not contain any groups and there are no limits on boosting your Clan's Rating.
Remember, once you lose all your points, your Clan will have to win in a series of Relegation Battles to stay in the league. Consequently, the Clan Rating system will be made up of five Leagues:
- Squall League
- Gale League
- Storm League
- Typhoon League
- Hurricane League
During the second round of Public Test, battles take place between teams of three players. Ships aren't available for rent on the Public Test out but it'll be a lot easier to unlock any desired Tier X ship, so go for it!
Plunge right into the heat of battles in League - conditions for progressing through Leagues are noticeably simplified, too. As usual, rented Tier X ships will be available after you've played at least one battle after the Update is live.
Sound Changes
With each and every Update, the sounds in World of Warships become more versatile and saturated and Update 0.7.1 won't be an exception. It will bring the following changes:
- Change of weather conditions in a battle will now be accompanied by a special sound warning
- With the Ultra High audio quality selected, the sounds of shells hitting ships, the sound of ship destruction, surface explosions, and the sound of guns firing at a long distance from your ship when you're in the Binoculars view, will now produce an even more impressive effect
- We increased the distance of battle audibility by improving the dimensional processing of sounds
- When playing with an aircraft carrier with the War Drums sound mod enabled, players will hear music processed differently depending on camera angle
Graphics Changes
Two new graphics settings - Maximum and Very Low - will let you choose between more beautiful details or uncompromising performance, respectively.
Please note that any of the two new modes may only be enabled in the Graphics Settings manually.
What can you earn?
NEW! Deal 75,000 damage on CVs on Public Test in Random Battles and get five of each special signal flags on the live server. | |
Play one battle on Public Test in Random / Co-operative Battles and get three signals of each type on the live server. | |
Win 5 battles on Public Test in Random Battles and get one day of Premium Account time on the live server. |
Play three battles on the Public Test in Clan Battles and receive five of each special signal flag (see below) on the live server:
Image | Flag Name | Flag Effect |
![]() | Dragon |
+333% Commander XP
![]() | Wyvern |
+50% Credits
![]() | Ouroboros |
+777% to Free XP
![]() | Hydra | +50% to XP +150% to Commander XP +250% to Free XP |
![]() | Red Dragon |
+100% to XP +100% to Commander XP
You will be able to claim your rewards on the dedicated website. Information regarding when you will be able to redeem them will be sent to your registered Test Account email address on the day of the release of the update or slightly after. Please note that only players with a Public Test account registered to the same e-mail as their live server account will be able to redeem their rewards.
What resources will you get on the Public Test server?
Tier VIII ships with 15 Skill point Commanders will be credited to all players at the start of the test.
Research prices for ships Tier VIII+ will be discounted so that players can easily reach Tier X.
Research prices for modules will be discounted.
Account Level 15 upon the first login.
14 days of Premium Account will be given to all players on their first login.
30,000 Doubloons - giving everyone the opportunity to retrain Commanders.
500,000,000 Credits.
Assorted signal flags for testing: 10 of each Signal Flag, except the special Signal Flags.
Ability to "respec" Commanders will be discounted: 1
Doubloon = 1 Skill Point.
Please note that resources from the previous Public Tests have been wiped.
Action Stations!